Monday, January 15, 2007

Foggy -- a misery or messy ride

What a looog weekend, Saturday, rain and dense fog -- OK, let go shopping to Kreb's, Sunday -- Hmmmmmm still so dark and foggy and wet, there is one more day to come and PyZahl slept better in long like a marmot, that feels also good a times. So but some thing is driving PyZahl and make him nervy even the third day was as dark, at least no heavy rain, just that tiny dropplets of water in the air. So he hooked up all the extra safety lights to be seen well, jumped into his well visible red bike suit and took off east on North Country finding all the hills and some extra loops aroud Wading River (the famouse duck pond is there)

proceeding out to Wildwood SP. Returning and all the way west almost to Stony Brook, well cutting off into XTalHollowBrook to Shore Road...

... and returning via NC, stopping by a good friend for a warmup and Energy refill and back home.

Here PyZahl was greeted by one of his friends and constand house observers:

A bike cleanup filled a good part of the remaining day.

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